Borrowing and Lending Laws: An Overview

Nick Jackson
9 min readOct 11, 2021


Borrowing is a fact of adult life. Almost everyone, at some point, takes out a loan. Here’s everything you need to know about borrowing and lending laws.

Financing is also known as lending. It occurs when someone allows another person to borrow something from them. The lender gives money or any kind of asset with the expectation of something in return.

Whether you are borrowing from or lending to someone, it is essential to know the borrowing and lending laws to avoid problems in the future.

What is borrowing as per borrowing and lending laws?

Borrowing, as per borrowing and lending laws, is the act of taking money or an asset of any kind from a person or an entity and paying it back over some time. The borrowed funds or as the borrower should repay that along with the principal amount or asset borrowed.

The borrowing purpose can include anything. The borrowed amount can be used for medical expenditure, hospital expenses, home constructions, higher education, buying a home, school education, etc. Click here to know more about borrowing and lending laws on

What is lending as per borrowing and lending laws?

Lending as per borrowing and lending laws occurs when a person allows another person to borrow something. The lender gives the property, money, or asset of any kind to the borrower with the expectation that the borrower will return the asset or money with an extra premium.

In simpler words, a lender gives a loan to the borrower, which creates a debt the borrower should settle. When talking about finance and business, lending often occurs when one party takes a loan from another.

How does lending work?

Lending occurs when a lender gives money, property, or asset to a borrower on credit. Lending is a broad term that encapsulates numerous kinds of transactions. Financial institutions such as credit unions and banks with a business model of lending money are common lenders.

The borrower has to pay the price in the form of interest after taking out a loan. The lender will charge a higher interest rate to the borrower if they have the reasons to believe that there is an increased risk involved of not being paid back by the borrower, like with a newly founded business.

To put it in simpler words, lower-risk borrowers pay lower-risk interests and vice versa. Lenders usually do not have the right to participate in the business of the borrower.

Types of lending

As per borrowing and lending laws, lending can broadly get broken down into two major categories:

  • Personal or consumer lending and
  • Business lending

However, some types of loans given out by lenders are available in both lending categories, though they get handled differently. For example, an individual will get a personal credit card to buy groceries and other essential items. In contrast, a business will get a business credit card to purchase equipment to pay other business expenses.

Consumer lending vs. business lending

From a borrower’s perspective, some legal protections get awarded with personal loans as per borrowing and lending laws that aren’t extended to business loans.

The Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act protect the United States borrowers from discrimination of any kind while borrowing. The general protection given by these two acts extends to all forms of credit and both lending categories.

However, certain specific regulations of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act became more convenient for business loans. It means that the bigger the business entity, the fewer restrictions on loans.

The bigger businesses that got relaxed in the restriction have less to do with discrimination and more to do with the kind of notifications the lender must give to the borrower and guidelines on how long the lender has to retain certain records on the borrower.

Unlike Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Fair Housing Act doesn’t explicitly distinguish between business and consumer loans.

Loan types

Business lending has proved to help all different kinds of business in the United States and countries across the globe. Some common uses of business loans are

  • Vendor financing from suppliers
  • To even out cash flow
  • Credit card financing
  • Commercial and industrial loans (collateral is required in such kind of loan when the loan is to fulfills short-term needs)
  • Mortgages
  • Asset financing for machinery and equipment or business vehicles

Apart from those mentioned above, other loans are taken for particular purposes, like loans to fund a business startup or finance disaster recovery.

If you are a person who is looking for a business loan, then you need to consider these factors:

  1. How long will you need the money, determining this will affect the type of loan and help in finding the lender that will best fit your needs
  2. The amount of money you want to borrow, determining this will help in determining the type of lender that you need
  3. Whether you need a startup loan to fund your new business or an expansion loan to grow your business
  4. Any business assets that you can keep as collateral for the loan, keeping collateral will help improve the terms of the loan.
  5. What is the purpose of your borrowing

Types of lenders

Banks, credit unions, and other traditional financial institutions are the most common types of lenders. However, there are different types of lenders, including:

  • Family and friends
  • Peer-to-peer lenders
  • Crowdfunding contributors
  • Yourself

Family and friends can often act as a lender. A loan borrowed from family and friends is sometimes called a “private party loan.” In such types of loans, it is essential to evaluate the impact your relationship brought along with the loan.

A loan agreement in private party loans gets recommended to ensure that every party involved is on the same page.

Peer-to-peer lenders usually operate through online organizations. These sites connect lenders with borrowers. Peer-to-peer interest rates are generally lower than the rates offered by a traditional bank but higher than the loan rate that the borrower could receive from a certificate of deposit.

Crowdfunding is similar to peer-to-peer. In crowdfunding, the organization directly connects the people who need money with those willing to lend money via a website. The people who contribute to crowdfunding efforts might not receive their money back dollar-for-dollar, unlike peer-to-peer.

For example, a person may donate to a movie project, and in return, he or she might not receive money but a copy of the movie after its completion.

If you have personal funds with you, you yourself can loan your money to the business as an alternative to investing in the business. If you select this type of borrowing, write a contract that especially spells out your role as a lender in the business, along with the payment schedule and the consequences of defaulting in payments.

Borrowing and lending laws and legal definition

Borrowing money in the United States may be subject to state usury laws. The states’ usury laws govern the maximum amount of interest that can get charged in certain types of loan transactions.

Talking about the lending law, the “Truth in Lending Act” is a federal law requiring all terms in a consumer credit transaction to get explained in detail. The Act also encompasses ad advertisements except statements made by a salesperson or any other person trying to make a sale.

Usury laws

Usury laws specifically target the practice of charging high rates on loans by setting caps on the amount of interest that the lender can levy. Usury laws specifically get designed to protect consumers from overpaying interest rates for the loan taken.

In the U.S., individual states are responsible for setting usury laws. Congress has not traditionally focused on usury laws, even though this kind of financial activity has the potential to fall under the Constitution’s commerce clause. However, the government does take action and imposes a federal offense when usury gets collected through violent means.

How usury laws get circumvented

Organizations like credit card companies benefit from levy an interest rate that is allowed by the state where the organization was incorporated irrespective of the state where the borrower lives. Similarly, nationally chartered banks can apply the highest interest rate allowed by the particular state where the institution was incorporated.

Lenders have historically benefited from greater leeway allowed by South Dakota and Delaware by incorporating their company and organization in these states. Delaware is frequently chosen as the state for incorporation for numerous financial institutions as Delaware gives the freedom to charge interest rates.

Almost half of the domestic credit business in the United States market gets conducted by companies and organizations incorporated in the state of Delaware. However, such companies may maintain their headquarters in other states. Click here to know more about usury laws on

Truth in Lending Act (TILA)

The TILA is a federal law enacted in 1968 to protect consumers while dealing with lenders and creditors. The Federal Reserve Board implemented the Truth in Lending Act through a series of regulations.

The essential aspects of TILA involve the information that has to be disclosed to a borrower before extending credit, like the APR, the total cost to the borrower, and the loan term.

How the Truth in Lending Act works?

As the name suggests, the Truth in Lending Act is all about truth in lending. The Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation Z implemented the act and later amended and expanded many times.

The provisions of TILA apply to most types of consumer credits that include closed-end credit such as home and car loans and open-end credit such as a home equality line of credit card credit.

The Truth in Lending Act rules makes it easier for the consumers to compare before borrowing money or taking out credit. The Act also safeguards the consumer from misleading or unfair practices on the part of lenders.

Some states have different characteristics of the TILA. However, the chief feature of the Act remains the proper disclosure of crucial information to protect the consumer.

Contact an attorney who knows borrowing and lending laws:

If you are planning to lend assets or money to someone or borrow from someone, you need to have complete knowledge about borrowing and lending laws before borrowing or lending to someone.

It is good to seek the help of an expert attorney who has complete knowledge of borrowing and lending laws to help you understand the law, your rights and to create a contract that will remove the chances of any sort of problem in the future.

Here are two significant reasons why it is in your best interest to seek the help of an expert borrowing and lending laws attorney.

  • Good knowledge about borrowing and lending laws

An expert attorney works day in and day out on similar cases, and hence they possess good knowledge about judicial matters involved in borrowing and lending laws. Seeking advice from them concerning what will be the best thing to do that satisfies the parties at large is of utmost importance.

Another matter of importance is that borrowing and lending involves a lot of paperwork and other documentation, which, if not intact, can make you lose or pay a great amount of money that you would not want. An attorney who breathes and lives law knows how to tackle and implement the same and seek the perfect solution for their client

  • Thinks as per law

Seeking advice from the experts, a lawyer, or an attorney is the need of the hour. An attorney considers all the legal factors, from filing loan paperwork to ensuring that the document gets drafted so that all the parties remain true to the contract.

Their expertise helps the concerned parties and brings out matters of importance that are beneficial for the smooth drafting and execution of the borrowing or the lending contract as per borrowing and lending laws.

Consulting the borrowing and lending laws attorney brings about the perfect answers to all the long-time and short-time solutions. Visit to contact an expert attorney who has complete knowledge about borrowing and lending law.

To Conclude –

Everyone has once encountered a situation in their life where borrowing seemed to be the best option. Whether it would have been for:

  • higher studies, tuition fees, home loan, business loan, or any kind of borrowing for personal or business purposes,

The reality is many businesses run on borrowing, and many borrowings are done for personal reasons to achieve greater heights in life.

If you or your loved one plans to borrow from an organization or entity for any reason, it is essential to have a complete idea about borrowing and lending laws. It is good to seek the help of an expert attorney before borrowing from anyone or lending to anyone.

