Dallas Injury Attorney & Bad Drug Attorneys in Pharmaceutical Litigations

Nick Jackson
3 min readJun 18, 2021


The growth of medicine and antibiotics in large proportions makes these easily accessible to all. People trust pharmaceutical products, but the trust shatters when such products cause serious injuries.

Pharmaceutical companies, drugs, or health providers should get held accountable for their actions if anyone gets injured due to their carelessness.

A Dallas Injury Attorney can help you if you or your loved ones get injured due to the side effects of any medicine.

Side effects due to pharmaceutical products are common in the United States. Though the drugs need to get tested and approved by FDA before being released, they often get improperly tested and released in the market.

Improper labeling on the medicines, deceptive methods by manufacturers and medical providers add to the pharmaceutical defects.

The Dallas Injury Attorney knows medical terms. The attorney can help you prove and recover compensation in case of injuries due to medical malpractice.

Dallas Injury Attorney For Holding Pharmaceutical Companies Accountable:

The pharmaceutical industry now focuses more on making profits. The profits can get attained with new medical revenue. To increase profits, pharmaceutical companies often rush a new medicine into the market without proper inspection.

The pharmaceutical companies try to boast the drug to the patients before any medical tests for the side effects.

The lack of testing of drugs leads to irreparable damages, for which the pharmaceutical companies and the responsible health care professional should get accountable.

The Dallas Injury attorney understands the nature of pharmaceutical companies and the trick used by them to deny the claim.

Claiming on large companies isn’t that easy. The personal injury lawyer in Dallas can help you pursue a product liability claim for the medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Read how can Dallas Injury Attorney help in your medical side effect case.

Common Dangerous Drugs:

In Dallas, if you get injured due to a defective drug, you can take legal action against the drug manufacturer. In recent years, some of the most common drugs often involved in pharmaceutical litigation are:

  • Accutane
  • Avandia
  • Paxil
  • Reglan
  • Zantac
  • Pradaxa
  • Actos
  • Dravon
  • Lipitor

Whatever drug may have harmed you, the Dallas injury attorney will help you decide the best course of action.

Common injuries caused due to defective drugs:

The damages caused by a defective drug can cause severe fatalities. The severity of the damages depends on a variety of factors. Here’re some of the injuries and diseases that defective drug may cause:

  • Stroke: The blood flow to an area of the brain gets cut off, and the brain cells begin to die.
  • Heart attack: The blood flow to the heart gets blocked. By it, the heart muscles can get damaged or destroyed.
  • Cancers
  • Organ Perforation: It can cause severe damage to the organ and the body.
  • Mental Health Impacts: Many drugs affect the brain chemistry and negatively impact the mental health and behavior of the person.
  • Deformity: Some pharmaceutical products cause permanent deformities.
  • Death
  • Kidney failure

Victims of defective drugs may not even know the drug was defective. The Dallas injury lawyer with extensive resources can investigate medical cases to get you compensated.

Dallas Injury Attorney in filing a pharmaceutical lawsuit:

The pharmaceutical product manufacturers must ensure the safety of the intended user.

The drugs must have labels of warnings for the possible side effects. If a drug causes severe side effects, the victim may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer.

Under Texas’ section 82.007 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code (having information regarding product liability for medications), a victim can file a claim against the manufacturer if the victim:

  • Used the drug as recommended
  • Suffered an injury due to the use of the product
  • Used the drug as prescribed
  • Sustained an injury due to the prescribed use of the product

The manufacturer of the medicine may get held liable if it withheld or misrepresented the information from FDA. If the manufacturer did not have FDA approval, the manufacturer could be held responsible for promoting the medicine for use.

Bad drug attorneys will help you file a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the defective drug and let you know the law in your case. Read more about bad drug attorneys at Thetexasattorney.

You may also file a medical malpractice lawsuit against a doctor who prescribed you the wrong or defective medicine.


Side effects of defective medicine can cause severe fatalities. If you had injuries due to the side effects of a defective drug, you have the right to bring a lawsuit. The assistance of a Dallas injury attorney can help you seek compensation for your damages. The attorney will review your case and advise you of your rights and the best possible way to get compensated.



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